1er july 2024

Participation de Katronic à la 10e édition de la Harz Company's Run

Sous un ciel ensoleillé et avec un champ chargé, l'équipe Katronic fait une nouvelle fois une belle performance lors du Harz Company Run annuel! Lire la suite ...

7 mai 2024

Mesure fiable du débit sur les conduites d'eau de refroidissement

Exigences complexes en matière de mesure du débit dans la production de résines synthétiques. Lire la suite ...

15 janvier 2024

Le débitmètre ultrasonique clamp-on KATflow 150 obtient l'homologation MCERTS

Démonstration de l'avantage de la mesure de débit bidirectionnelle par ultrasons par rapport à la mesure avec un débitmètre électromagnétique. Lire la suite ...

20 décembre 2023

Katronic soutient « Coventry Open Christmas »

Katronic Technologies Ltd. aide à nouveau une organisation caritative locale. Lire la suite ...

6 septembre 2023

Don caritatif pour une société locale d'histoire de 175 ans

L'entreprise technologique Katronic AG & Co. KG, attache une grande importance à la responsabilité sociale et à la préservation de la culture dans la région. Katronic soutient un chœur d'hommes local. Lire la suite ...

4 juillet 2023

Ensemble, nous sommes plus forts - Katronic à la neuvième Harzer Firmenlauf

L'équipe Katronic a commencé cette année avec une nouvelle équipe et un coureur remplaçant dans des conditions de course parfaites. L'esprit d'équipe et la forme physique étaient au premier plan pour. Lire la suite ...

6 April 2023

Dimensionnement des échangeurs de chaleur pour l'efficacité énergétique et la réduction des coûts

Les compteurs de chaleur clamp-on permettent de dimensionner correctement les grands systèmes de chauffage. Lire la suite ...

27 février 2023

Mesures rapides du débit pour le contrôle des paramètres de l'installation dans les systèmes de pompage

Mesures du débit volumétrique avec le débitmètre portable à pince KATflow 200 comme variable mesurée pour la conception des pompes et le dimensionnement des systèmes. Lire la suite ...

23 janvier 2023

Les débitmètres Clamp-on de katronic élisent domicile en France

Avec le nouveau site en France, Katronic se développe et est maintenant encore plus proche de ses clients. Lire la suite ...

14 octobre 2022

Accueil chaleureux pour le 25e anniversaire de Katronic

La méthode Katronic : solutions techniques et applications depuis 25 ans. Lire la suite ...

12 août 2022

Une participation subventionnée par le programme de soutien de l'ue

Une présence de Katronic au salon Achema avec le soutien d'Investitionsbank Saxe-Anhalt. Lire la suite ...

15 juillet 2022

Mesure du débit dans les circuits de refroidissement indépendamment des influences du champ magnétique

Quatre KATflow 150 avec interface Profibus DP dans l'application haute température d'un réacteur de fusion. Leer más ...

24 mai 2022

La participation à l'IFAT 2022 soutenue par le programme de l'UE pour la participation aux foires et salons

La participation à l'IFAT 2022 est soutenue par un financement du Fonds européen de développement régional (EFRE). Lire la suite ...

11 mai 2022

Apprenez à mieux nous connaître à IFAT 2022

Katronic présente la série d'instruments de mesure KATflow à la plus grande foire commerciale du monde à Munich. Lire la suite ...

12 avril 2022

Contrôle de la bonne circulation des eaux de baignade dans les piscines publique

Vérification des débits volumiques pour contrôler les systèmes de commande et optimiser la consommation énergétique avec KATflow 200. Lire la suite ...

23 février 2022

Mesures non intrusives du débit des liquides dans les installations de stockage en citerne

Comment la mesure du débit par montage externe (clamp-on) peut-elle contribuer à la sécurité des rejets d’hydrocarbures des réservoirs de stockage ? Lire la suite ...

13 janvier 2022

Un quart de siècle de débitmètre Clamp-On

Jusqu'à l'infini et au-delà ! (via Leamington Spa, Coventry, Wernigerode, New Jersey et Vaunaveys-la-Rochette). Lire la suite ...

3 décembre 2021

Coventry Open Christmas - Katronic soutient une organisation bénévole locale

Katronic Technologies Ltd. soutient le "Grub & Gab club" qui fournit un abri et de la nourriture aux sans-abri et aux personnes isolées pendant les vacances de Noël. Lire la suite ...

Le 11 octobre 2021

L'automne, c'est sportif : course à pied dans le parc national de Harz

Katronic participe à la course la plus difficile du nord de l'Allemagne. Lire la suite ...

29 septembre 2021

Le KATflow 200 vérifie le débit de pompage du système d'extinction d'incendie intégré au pont d'un yacht

Projet de rénovation d'un yacht: mesures fiables du débit de mousse d'extinction pendant la mise à niveau technique d'un système d'eau d'extinction d'hélicoptère. Lire la suite ...

9 septembre 2021

La course d'entreprise rencontre «Tetris» - katronic à la ligne de départ pour la septième fois

Katronic célèbre son 25e anniversaire avec des costumes de coureur très originaux. Lire la suite ...

13 July 2021

Egyptian District Metered Area feature Katronic flowmeters for network leakage management

Flowmeters integrated into telemetry system enable remote inspection, predictive maintenance and detect water losses. Read more...

14. June 2021

An honourable retirement for hard working KATflows

After 11 years of service, Flowhire UK retired its first two Katronic portable flowmeters. As a lasting reminder, also of the good cooperation between Flowhire and Katronic, Katronic did not simply. Read more...

12 May 2021

Control optimisation of sand traps in wastewater treatment plants with Katronic‘s fixed flow measuring system

Ultrasonic flowmeter operates as turbidity and flow monitor for grit trap control at wastewater treatment plants, reducing pump and scraper operation by up to 85%. Read more ...

23 March 2021

Fresh Produce Extended Shelf-Life System Verification with Clamp-On Katronic Flow Measurement

Gaugele GmbH designs and implements turnkey cooling and storage solutions for vegetable producers. Non-invasive ultrasonic flowmeters from Katronic form an integral part of this. Read more ...

26 February 2021

Preventing a Break-In – Non-Invasive Flowmeters in Hygienic Applications

Katronic clamp-on, non-invasive ultrasonic flowmeters have been supplied to a major biomedical product manufacturer where cleanliness is paramount, making it difficult to cut into process lines ... Read more ...

19 January 2021

Clamp-On Ultrasonic Measurement for Sophisticated HVAC Systems or, Who needs a Flowmeter that Reads Zero?

HVAC systems innovators Retrofit Services choose Katronic clamp-on, non-invasive flowmeters for sophisticated sequencing and variable flow applications that can save as much as 60 – 65 % of the energy. Read more ...

Tuesday, 22 December 2020

So, 2020. Well, we didn’t see that one coming!

A year ago, ‘Bubbles’ were what you found in beer, we were more worried about computer viruses than infectious ones, and ‘Isolation’ was how you protected electrical circuits. Read more ...

11 December 2020

A Community Feeling in Cold Weather – Katronic's 'Different' Christmas Get-Together

"Everything different" right to the end of the Corona year 2020. The German Katronic team celebrates the Christmas season differently this year. Read more ...

30 October 2020

Non-Contact Flow Measurements in the Service of Marine Research

Permanent flow measurements on board a research vessel to support sound velocity measurements and calibration of acoustic echo sounding systems for ocean cartography. Read more ...

14 October 2020

Reliable Flow Measurements on the High Seas

Highest customer requirements for precise flow measurements on offshore converter platforms. Read more ...

29 September 2020

Three, Two, One – Cough! Katronic Participates at 6th Harz Company Run

COVID precautions don’t deter 720 competitors at the annual event in Wernigerode. Read more ...

26 August 2020

Flow Measurement without Affecting Potable Water Hygiene

Katronic has supplied a large German regional water supplier with a KATflow 150 clamp-on, non-invasive ultrasonic flowmeter, hygienically replacing a faulty vortex meter in a high-pressure flow. Read more ...

20 July 2020

Clamp-On Flow Measurement to Keep Hydroelectric Plants Within Abstraction Limits

Katronic is helping a group of small hydroelectric plants in Italy to stay inside their abstraction limits by providing non-invasive, clamp-on flow measurement on iron inlet pipes, reliably ... Read more ...

2 July 2020

New Katronic Partner in Canada

We are happy to announce that Katronic has a new partner in Canada: Davis Controls Ltd. Read more ...

18 June 2020

Katronic with Profibus PA – More than just a Clamp-On Flowmeter

Katronic’s sophisticated KATflow 150 and KATflow 170 clamp-on, non-invasive flowmeters are now available with Profibus PA digital communications, providing plant operators with another ... Read more ...

29 Avril 2020

Keeping the Sludge Flowing

Supporting our supply chain partners through lockdown. Read more ...

19 Mars 2020

We Are Open!

In difficult times likes this Katronic want to assure you that the offices are still open for business. We will do what we can to assist you with your projects. Please do not hesitate to contact us! Read more ...

14 Février 2020

La résolution d’un problème pertubant

Katronic a adapté ses débitmètres à double voies pour realiser des meilleures mesures dans les conditions défavorables. Lire plus ...

20 Decembre 2019

Les vœux de Katronic à tout le monde

Nous vous souhaitons, ainsi qu'à vos familles, un Joyeux Noel et une Nouvelle Année prospère! Lire plus ...

26 Novembre 2019

Awards Success for Katronic

Katronic win ʻManufacturer of the Year Awardʼ at the 2019 Coventry Telegraph Business Awards for the product innovation Gas Clamp-On Ultrasonic Flowmeter. Lire plus ...

16 Octobre 2019

Katronic Germany Take Part in the Annual Harz Mountain Event

Wernigerode hosts enthusiastic runners and hikers participating in popular countryside competition. Lire plus ...

8 Octobre 2019

Clamp-On Flowmeter KATflow 230 a Key Tool for Consultant Engineers

UK’s leading process engineering consultants and project managers Addison Project recommend Katronic’s flowmeter rental service for its flexibility and convenience. Lire plus ...

20 Septembre 2019

La brochure Katronic est désormais disponible en français

Katronic renforce sa présence sur le marché mondial de la mesure non-intrusive à ultrasons. Lire plus ...

10 July 2019

Flow Tests of Fire Sprinklers with Portable Katronic Clamp-On Flowmeter

Hand-held KATflow 200 ultrasonic flowmeter supports sprinkler verification. More ...

20 June 2019

Portable Flowmeter Helps Swiss Water Company Reach Peak Performance

Reliable measurement with clamp-on ultrasonic flowmeter KATflow 210 and remote data result in optimisation, reduction in water loss and significant cost savings. More ...

5 June 2019

From Ammonia to Xenon – The Evolution of Non-Invasive Clamp-On Gas Flow Measurement

Katronic expands product range with innovative flowmeter for gases. More ...

22 May 2019

Award Application Runs Out of Gas – Katronic Narrowly Misses Out on Award Prize

In the face of very strong competition Katronic‘s latest product development of the gas clamp-on ultrasonic flowmeter didn’t reach the final of the technology award. More ...

23 April 2019

Coming Soon ...

Katronic are always very happy when we are able to tell people about the launch of a new product. More ...

12 April 2019

Katronic Nominated for Innovation Award

Katronic will be presenting our latest product development at "IQ Innovationspreis Mitteldeutschland", an Innovation Cluster Prize. More ...

25 March 2019

A Second Helping of Hamm – An Update on Katronic's Electric Bus Project

Katronic are pleased to provide this update to our previously published article of the measurement of energy demand on electric busses with the University of Applied Sciences Hamm-Lippstadt. More ...

9 January 2019

Katronic Streamlines Water Well Flow Measurements for SUPRA International Indonesia

First water well drilling company in Indonesia is using a Katronic portable flowmeter to reliably measure the debit of water from a well to monitor the pump performance. More ...

12 April 2018

Non-Invasively Measuring Injection Water in Ecuador

Katronic non-invasive, clamp-on flowmeters have been used in Ecuador to measure injection water (waterflood) in an oil well operated by Orion Oil ... More...

3 April 2018

Why Flowhire Trust Katronic for Their Flowmeter Rental Fleet

Katronic is always delighted to hear that customers have been using their equipment for years and we like to get an insight into the reasons why. More...

20 March 2018

Katronic at IFAT 2018

For the first time Katronic will be presenting its products and services at IFAT in Munich from 14 to 18 May 2018. The event is the World‘s Leading Trade Fair for Water, Sewage, Waste and ... More...

12 March 2018

KATflow 200 Provides a Smooth Solution for an Abrasive Application

Engineers from Katronic were recently on site testing one of our KATflow portable flowmeters to prove the usefulness of the technology on a testing industrial effluent application. More...

16 February 2018

Katronic Set New Standards in Quality

We are pleased to announce that we recently achieved the conformity to the latest quality standard ISO 9001:2015. More...

21 December 2017

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Season’s Greetings From Katronic. More...

17 November 2017

Katronic Flowmeters Making Short Work of Large Pipes

Katronic and their team of engineers are in the process of installing the first of many flowmeters for a large water network project. More...

9 November 2017

Which Part of an Ultrasonic Flowmeter Is the Most Important, the Meter or the Sensors?

Andrew Sutton, Managing Director at Katronic Technologies Limited answers Frequently Asked Questions. More...

26 September 2017

Three Companies, Two Flowmeters, One Happy Customer

Team approach proves successful for airport metering application. More...

5 September 2017

Fruit and Flowmeters – Mexican Mangoes Make for an Unusual Measurement

Interesting application proves fruitful for Katronic flowmeters. More...

31 July 2017

Portable Flowmeter Brings Monthly Draw to a Close

The final winner has been announced in the Katronic 20th anniversary monthly giveaway. The last of our winners was General Motors (Vauxhall). More...

18 July 2017

Flowmeters and Foundations – Laying the Building Blocks of the Company

As part of our ongoing reflection on the 20 years of Katronic we continue our “on this month” feature by looking at some of the events from the history of the company. More...

11 July 2017

Team Katronic Get “Pretty Muddy” for Cancer Charity

A team from Katronic Technologies took time away from flowmeters in order to participate in the Pretty Muddy event for Cancer Research UK. More...

15 June 2017

Going, Going, (Nearly) Gone – Last Chance to Win a Flowmeter Related Prize

After 11 months of thanking our customers for their flowmeter orders there is only one month left for you to put your name in the hat to win the last monthly prize. More...

29 May 2017

MAYking Partnerships – This Month in the History of Katronic

As part of our ongoing reflection on the 20 years of Katronic we continue our “on this month” feature by looking at some of the events from the chronicle of the company. More...

10 May 2017

Flowmeters, Finances and Friendship – A 20-year Business Partnership

In the 20 years since Katronic started, many things have changed, but some have not. As the company has grown and evolved certain people, and partnerships have flourished along with the expansion of. More...

26 April 2017

Flowmeters and Footballers – Katronic in the Month of April

As part of our ongoing reflection on the 20 years of Katronic we continue our “on this month” feature by looking at some of the events from the history of the company. More...

12 April 2017

Turning Clamp-on Flowmeters to Hip Flasks

Throughout the year, we have been announcing the winners of our monthly prize draw and it is time to reveal the latest customers to receive a prize. More...

31 March 2017

Flowmeters Talking Your Language

Katronic implement new protocols on KATflow range. More...

7 March 2017

Wireless Data Show the Future for Katronic Flowmeters

Katronic Technologies are pleased to announce that their KATflow clamp-on ultrasonic flowmeters are now available with a variety of new output communication options to cover a range of different. More...

2 February 2017

Happy Belated Christmas from Katronic

Latest Prize Draw Winners Announced. More...

11 January 2017

2016 – A Year of Rewards, Reflection and a Referendum

A view from the boardroom. More...

1 December 2016

Twenty Years of Katronic – An Ongoing Celebration

Katronic Prize Giveaway Begins. More...

25 November 2016

17 Nations, Shakespeare, Canal Boats and a Painted Cow

Katronic hold first international sales conference. More...

16 November 2016

Katronic Christmas Charity – Coventry Open Christmas

Katronic will be supporting Coventry Open Christmas this year. More...

8 September 2016

Katronic Float New Watertight Flowmeter

Katronic Technologies Ltd. are pleased to introduce the latest flowmeter to join their highly advanced KATflow product portfolio. More...

25 August 2016

Katronic Celebrate 20 Years of Measurement Success

Inter-company trip to Berlin marks start of jubilee year. More...

29 July 2016

Measuring 20 Years of Success

Over the next twelve months Katronic will be inviting customers to join them in celebrating the anniversary of 20 years in business. More...

1 April 2016

Katronic at NEFTEGAZ 2016

Katronic are proud to be exhibiting at the 16th International Exhibition for Equipment and Technologies for the Oil and Gas Industries. More...

22 September 2015

Visit Katronic at KIOGE 2015

Katronic are proud to be exhibiting at the KIOGE fair, the international oil and gas trade fair and most prominent event for the energy sector in Kazakhstan. More...

19 March 2015

Katronic at ACHEMA 2015

Katronic are proud to be exhibiting at the ACHEMA fair, the premier world event for companies working in chemical engineering and the process sector. More...

1 August 2014

Katronic Flowmeters in World Pipelines

World Pipelines Magazine has recently published an interesting article on the evolution of clamp-on flowmeters written by Andrew Sutton, Managing Director of Katronic Technologies Ltd. More...

22 April 2014

Katronic Reveal New Identity

Katronic are pleased to reveal the new corporate identity for our flowmeters and company branding. More...

25 April 2013

Katronic Win Export Award

Growth in the global sales of the KATflow range of clamp-on flowmeters has helped Katronic to win the prestigious Coventry Telegraph Export Award for 2013. More...

26 September 2012

Two New Flowmeters at Katronic

Katronic have launched two new clamp-on flowmeters to expand their ultrasonic flowmeter product offering. More...

18 June 2012

New Home for Katronic Ultrasonic Flowmeters

Demand for ultrasonic flowmeters driving change at Katronic. In defiance of the current economic climate, Katronic Technologies are moving to new larger premises in order to better service the needs. More...

9 January 2019

Katronic Streamlines Water Well Flow Measurements for Supra Indodrill

First water well drilling company in Indonesia is using a Katronic portable flowmeter to reliably measure the debit of water from a well to monitor the pump performance. More ...

21 December 2018

Season's Greetings From All at Katronic

Merry Christmas and and all the best for the new year to come! More ...

5 December 2018

Give a Gift That Counts

Katronic supports “Coventry Open Christmas” for the third time. More ...

13 November 2018

Helping Geological Cores to Keep Their Cool

Katronic have supplied a KATflow 100 non-invasive clamp-on flowmeter to Geotek, who provide rock core sampling and analysis services all over the world ... More ...

29 October 2018

Transport Application is Good BUS-iness for Katronic

Katronic Germany have been selected by Hamm-Lippstadt University of Applied Sciences to work with them on an exciting, innovative project to measure the energy demand of heating systems for ... More ...

16 October 2018

Team Katronic Participates in the Harz Mountain Run

Katronic Germany take part in the 41st running of the Harz mountain race. More ...

1 October 2018

Katronic Exhibiting in France

As part of the development of their global sales Katronic will be exhibiting at the SEPAG show in Valence, France. More...

18 September 2018

Non-invasive Fish Farm Flow Measurement

Katronic non-invasive, clamp-on flow metering has been used to monitor water flow within a leading fish farm. More...

4 September 2018

Clamp On to Clean Out? Non-Invasive Flow Measurement for Stainless Restoration

Heat exchanger pipework’s internal surface cleaned from iron oxide and dust using a portable KATflow 200 ultrasonic flowmeter to maintain the flow rate. More...

16 August 2018

Cutting Costs by Clamping On – Non-Invasive Flow Measurement for Chlorine Dosing Retrofit

Katronic helps major UK water company to reduce costs by installing a fixed installation KATflow 150 ultrasonic flowmeter. More...

2 August 2018

Pump Verification Simplified for SPP by Katronic Flowmeters

A Katronic non-invasive clamp-on ultrasonic flowmeter has made light of a difficult application helping a major British pump supplier to provide pump verification. More...

20 July 2018

How Can Non-Invasive Flow Measurement Help the Pharmaceutical Manufacturer?

Pharmaceutical manufacture presents some of the most difficult challenges for process instrumentation. Clamp-on ultrasonic flowmeters provide the perfect solution. More...

10 July 2018

Distributor Survey Feedback

Katronic worldwide distributors give honest feedback about Katronic‘s performance. More...

2 July 2018

Join the Katronic Competition!

Did you know world photography day is on the 19th August? At Katronic we are celebrating this by giving you the chance to win a GoPro camera! More...

31 May 2018

Clamp-on Energy Meters for Hospital HVAC Savings

Consultant PA Energy chose Katronic equipment for a major survey in a large East London NHS trust to map heat flows and report to the FM Contractor. More...

9 May 2018

Katronic at ACHEMA 2018

ACHEMA – World Forum and Premier Show for the Process Industry – takes place from 11 to 15 June 2018 in Frankfurt am Main, Germany. Come visit our stand in Frankfurt/Main! More...