6 September 2023

Charitable Contribution for 175-year-old Local Historic Society

Katronic donates to the preservation of the Wernigeröder Männerchor 1848 e. V.

Like many other ensembles, the Wernigeröder Männerchor 1848 e.V. had to endure severe cutbacks due to the Corona pandemic. Rehearsals and performances were banned, and there was no income. Since the old club room in the August-Hermann-Francke primary school was soon no longer available with its demolition and new building, a new club room had to be found. A new club room was rented in the so-called "Haus der Vereine" (House of Associations); the rent was nine times what was previously charged.

The loss of public funding by the district of Harz and the city of Wernigerode aggravated the situation of the locally respected traditional association. The choir's ageing membership, the resulting decline in numbers and the deficit in the choir's coffers have led to the bitter realisation that expenses can no longer be financed from the choir's own resources.

To the Wernigerode-based technology company Katronic AG & Co. KG, specialising in non-invasive ultrasonic flow measurement in various supply and industrial sectors, social responsibility and the preservation of culture in the region is important. A diversity of culture ultimately offers the company's employees an oasis of regeneration, a source of joy and an opportunity for personal development outside of their everyday working lives.

The Wernigerode Men's Choir is very happy about the financial contribution in order to be able to partially finance things like choir director fees or an urgently needed membership recruitment through public relations.

All cultural initiatives and associations in the region are happy about donations from local companies, because cultural enrichment benefits the people as a meaningful recreational factor through which they can once again become stronger, happier and more productive.