We are Open!
In difficult times likes this Katronic want to assure you that the offices are still open for business. We will do what we can to assist you with your projects. Please do not hesitate to contact us!
In the face of the ongoing situation with the global COVID-19 pandemic we want to reassure our valued clients that we have taken steps to mitigate the impact of the outbreak on business. Through rotation of the workforce and home working we are maintaining a staffing presence in the office and improving resources to allow people to perform when not on site.
Any enquiries, messages or calls to the office will be dealt with in the prompt, efficient and professional way that you have always expected from us. We are also maintaining our technical support facilities in case you have any questions regarding the operation or installation of our instruments.
If there anything that we can do to assist you with your projects, please do not hesitate contact the office. We maintain a stock of instruments and sensors and will have a metering package to meet your needs.